Heads - Squash and Stretch

Advanced Animation By Preston Blair pg. 3
Back with consistent imitations.
This time, you will notice the page is mainly focused on squash and stretch principles, which also means that the structure will considerably change whether you want things too look one way or the other. Your imagination will be key to visualize what gives the proper state . Squashes and what stretches, naturally, is nothing a flat sheet of paper could ever afford yet this method will trick the eye of any viewer if you can give yourself the proper time and practice.

I did not want to take forever going back with all these new drawings for I decided to put whatever handy now. In other words forgive me for the roughest sketches that you will find below. I promise you to come back in my next post with more defined drawings concentrated on squash and stretch principles -plus individual development using my own characters.

So that was it.


  1. (^ morph the two above shots
    (^ into characters of your own then?

  2. Dan, you are VERY good at character design!! I have seen some of your videos on youtube. Good animations. I will be following up your blog to see these characters in action.

    Thanks for the add of my site here. I am going to add your blog to mine too.


  3. I can't access any video content sites from my current working station - but I wonder if you know the documentation about the life and works of Tex Avery (just youtube it, I think the full name is something like this...) - and keep pencil and paper at hand, because there are some names you might want to look up after !

    John K.'s Blog is sure a great source concerning animation and drawing. On the other hand I found such disgusting personal remarks from him that lead me to completely avoiding his blog...


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